Neopixel or Baselit Lightsaber? Which Soundboard Do I Need?
Neopixel or Baselit Lightsaber? Which Soundboard Do I Need?
Now that you’ve chosen the perfect hilt, it's crucial to select the soundboard that suits your needs. Are you looking to buy a baselit lightsaber or a neopixel lightsaber? Many lightsaber enthusiasts initially wonder about the differences between a baselit and a neopixel lightsaber, or between a Xenopixel and a Proffie 2.2 soundboard.
Galactic Saber Store offers a variety of soundboards. Each product page on our website includes an overview of the functions of the different board types. While there are many similarities, there are also significant differences between each soundboard. Every soundboard allows you to choose from various colors, so each Galactic Saber Store lightsaber can be a red lightsaber, blue lightsaber, green lightsaber, or any color you prefer. All sabers also feature different sound types, enabling you to switch between Sith and Jedi cosplay.
Baselit Saber: Equipped with a hollow blade and a powerful 12-watt LED in the hilt, the baselit lightsaber shines light up through the blade. In contrast, a neopixel blade contains a super bright 50-watt LED strip, allowing for various blade styles and start-up effects. Depending on the soundboard you choose, these effects are either preset or customizable.

Soundboard Options:
1. RGB Baselit/S-RGB:
- Entry-level soundboard with a LED in the emitter (top part of the hilt) that shines through a light-diffusing blade.
- The blade is lightweight, making it ideal for realistic dueling.
- Offers multiple color options with a bright 12-watt LED and 12 preset colors or gradual color change.
- Features 9 different sound types with various volumes and a silent mode.
- Simple yet popular among beginners and budget-conscious enthusiasts.
2. Xenopixel / SN4:
- Equipped with a superiour soundboard, offering more advanced features and upgrades.
- Enhanced sensor and chipset for better smooth swing and responsive sound.
- Motion control allows you to turn the lightsaber on/off, change colors, play music, and switch sound types with gestures.
- Features nine blade styles and 11 ignition styles.
- Comes with a 32GB SD card loaded with over 40 sound types and the ability to add more, including background music triggered by motion control.
- Has bluetooth connection, you can control and customize the saber in the app (download in google or apple store)
4. Proffie / Golden Harvest:
- Ideal for enthusiasts who want to fully customize their lightsaber.
- Known for extensive customization options found on various forums, including start-up effects, blade styles, and sound/light effects.
- Requires research, computer skills, and time to master coding for these sabers.
- Allows for recording your own sounds and developing unique effects.
- Many tutorials are available on YouTube and forums to guide you through the customization process.
Choosing the right soundboard is essential for getting the most out of your lightsaber. Whether you prefer the simplicity and durability of a baselit saber or the advanced features and realism of a neopixel saber, **Galactic Saber Store** offers a range of options to meet your needs.
A quick overview:

For the most advanced soundboard without any programming skills. my favorite is the Golden Harvest soundboard. get your Golden Harvest replica saber here